Relates to the salaries of certain teachers and aides employed by boards of cooperative educational services; puts limits on certain administrative and clerical expenses.
2025-2026 Regular Sessions
IN SENATE(Prefiled)
January 8, 2025
JACKSON, MARTINS, WEBER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
printed to be committed to the Committee on Education
AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to the salaries of
certain teachers and aides employed by boards of cooperative educa-
tional services
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Paragraph b of subdivision 5 of section 1950 of the educa-
2 tion law, as amended by chapter 130 of the laws of 2022, is amended to
3 read as follows:
4 b. The cost of services herein referred to shall be the amount allo-
5 cated to each component school district by the board of cooperative
6 educational services to defray expenses of such board, including
7 approved expenses from the testing of potable water systems of occupied
8 school buildings under the board's jurisdiction as required pursuant to
9 section eleven hundred ten of the public health law provided that such
10 expenses for testing of potable water systems are not reimbursable from
11 another state or federal source, except that that part of the salary
12 paid any teacher, supervisor or other employee of the board of cooper-
13 ative educational services which is, (i) for the two thousand twenty-
14 five--two thousand twenty-six school year and prior school years in
15 excess of thirty thousand dollars, (ii) for aid payable in the two thou-
16 sand twenty-six--two thousand twenty-seven school year in excess of
17 forty thousand dollars, (iii) for aid payable in the two thousand twen-
18 ty-seven--two thousand twenty-eight school year in excess of fifty thou-
19 sand dollars, and (iv) for aid payable in the two thousand twenty-eight-
20 -two thousand twenty-nine school year and thereafter, in excess of sixty
21 thousand dollars, shall not be such an approved expense, and except also
22 that administrative and clerical expenses shall not exceed ten percent
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
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1 of the total expenses for purposes of this computation. Any gifts,
2 donations or interest earned by the board of cooperative educational
3 services or on behalf of the board of cooperative educational services
4 by the dormitory authority or any other source shall not be deducted in
5 determining the cost of services allocated to each component school
6 district. Any payments made to a component school district by the board
7 of cooperative educational services pursuant to subdivision eleven of
8 section six-p of the general municipal law attributable to an approved
9 cost of service computed pursuant to this subdivision shall be deducted
10 from the cost of services allocated to such component school district.
11 The expense of transportation provided by the board of cooperative
12 educational services pursuant to paragraph q of subdivision four of this
13 section shall be eligible for aid apportioned pursuant to subdivision
14 seven of section thirty-six hundred two of this chapter and no board of
15 cooperative educational services transportation expense shall be an
16 approved cost of services for the computation of aid under this subdivi-
17 sion. Transportation expense pursuant to paragraph q of subdivision
18 four of this section shall be included in the computation of the ten
19 percent limitation on administrative and clerical expenses.
20 § 2. Paragraph b of subdivision 10 of section 3602 of the education
21 law, as amended by section 16 of part B of chapter 57 of the laws of
22 2007, is amended to read as follows:
23 b. Aid for career education. There shall be apportioned to such city
24 school districts and other school districts which were not components of
25 a board of cooperative educational services in the base year for pupils
26 in grades [ten] nine through twelve in attendance in career education
27 programs as such programs are defined by the commissioner, subject for
28 the purposes of this paragraph to the approval of the director of the
29 budget, an amount for each such pupil to be computed by multiplying the
30 career education aid ratio by [three thousand nine hundred dollars] four
31 thousand one hundred dollars. Such aid will be payable for weighted
32 pupils attending career education programs operated by the school
33 district and for weighted pupils for whom such school district contracts
34 with boards of cooperative educational services to attend career educa-
35 tion programs operated by a board of cooperative educational services.
36 Weighted pupils for the purposes of this paragraph shall mean the sum of
37 the attendance of students in grades [ten] nine through twelve in career
38 education sequences in trade, industrial, technical, agricultural or
39 health programs plus the product of sixteen hundredths multiplied by the
40 attendance of students in grades [ten] nine through twelve in career
41 education sequences in business and marketing as defined by the commis-
42 sioner in regulations. The career education aid ratio shall be computed
43 by subtracting from one the product obtained by multiplying fifty-nine
44 percent by the combined wealth ratio. This aid ratio shall be expressed
45 as a decimal carried to three places without rounding, but not less than
46 thirty-six percent.
47 Any school district that receives aid pursuant to this paragraph shall
48 be required to use such amount to support career education programs in
49 the current year.
50 A board of education which spends less than its local funds as defined
51 by regulations of the commissioner for career education in the base year
52 during the current year shall have its apportionment under this subdivi-
53 sion reduced in an amount equal to such deficiency in the current or a
54 succeeding school year, provided however that the commissioner may waive
55 such reduction upon determination that overall expenditures per pupil in
56 support of career education programs were continued at a level equal to
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1 or greater than the level of such overall expenditures per pupil in the
2 preceding school year.
3 § 3. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to the
4 calculation of BOCES aid and aid for career education payable in the
5 2025-2026 school year and years thereafter.