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A07704 Summary:

Amd §6908, Ed L
Expands the description of certain services which are not prohibited by statutes governing the practice of nursing, including direct support staff to nurses.
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A07704 Actions:

06/06/2023referred to higher education
01/03/2024referred to higher education
05/17/2024amend and recommit to higher education
05/17/2024print number 7704a
05/22/2024reported referred to codes
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A07704 Memo:

submitted in accordance with Assembly Rule III, Sec 1(f)
  TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the education law, in relation to expanding the description of certain services which are not prohibited by statutes governing the practice of nursing   PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: This bill would authorize direct support staff in non-facility OPWDD programs to provide nursing services under the instruction of a service recipient, family, or household member as determined by a registered professional nurse.   SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: Section 1 renumbers and adds a new subparagraph v to paragraph a of subdivision one of Section 6908 of the Education law. Section 2 sets the effective date.   JUSTIFICATION: The Department of Health has a program called CDPAP by some and CDPAS by others that allow employees to administer medication with appropriate training. Allowing it for elderly and not for people with disabilities makes little sense. Some people who receive OPWDD services also receive the DOH services, so they will clock out of their OPWDD-funded position, clock into their DOH job, administer the medication, and then go back on the OPWDD program payroll. Direct Support Professionals can also be trained to administer medication in a provider-controlled building but not a building that the family owns. This bill would allow greater flexibility for the performance of certain nursing tasks by unlicensed employees of providers certified by OPWDD in non-certified community-based settings. This would allow more individ- uals to remain in or transition to more independent settings, decreasing the reliance on certified residential settings.   PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: New bill   FISCAL IMPLICATIONS FOR STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS: To be determined.   EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect eighteen months after it shall have become a law, and shall expire and be deemed repealed July 1, 2029. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule or regu- lation necessary for the implementation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before such effective date.
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A07704 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      June 6, 2023
        Introduced  by M. of A. McMAHON -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Higher Education -- recommitted  to  the  Committee  on  Higher
          Education  in  accordance  with  Assembly  Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee

        AN ACT to  amend  the  education  law,  in  relation  to  expanding  the
          description  of  certain services which are not prohibited by statutes
          governing the practice of nursing
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Subparagraph  (v)  of  paragraph  (a) of subdivision 1 of
     2  section 6908 of the education law is renumbered subparagraph (vi) and  a
     3  new subparagraph (v) is added to read as follows:
     4    (v)  tasks  provided  by  a direct support staff in non-facility based
     5  programs certified or approved by the office for  people  with  develop-
     6  mental  disabilities,  when performed under the instruction of a service
     7  recipient, family, or household member and pursuant to a  memorandum  of
     8  understanding between the office for people with developmental disabili-
     9  ties  and  the department, in accordance with and pursuant to an author-
    10  ized practitioner's ordered care, provided that:
    11    (1) a registered professional nurse determines, in their  professional
    12  judgment, which tasks are to be performed based upon:
    13    (A) the complexity of the tasks;
    14    (B) the skill and experience of the direct support staff;
    15    (C)  the  health status and specific care needs of the service recipi-
    16  ent; and
    17    (D) the service recipient, family, or  household  member  is  able  to
    18  effectively  and  efficiently  communicate with the direct support staff
    19  providing tasks;

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7704--A                          2
     1    (2) only a  direct  support  staff  that  has  completed  training  as
     2  required by the commissioner of the office for people with developmental
     3  disabilities may perform tasks pursuant to this subparagraph;
     4    (3)  only  a  service  recipient,  family, or household member who has
     5  completed training as required by the commissioner  of  the  office  for
     6  people  with  developmental  disabilities  may instruct a direct support
     7  staff pursuant to this subparagraph, provided that such  course  may  be
     8  satisfactorily  completed through distance learning methods which evince
     9  that all participants are in attendance for the duration of  the  course
    10  and are able to ask questions of the instructor;
    11    (4) appropriate protocols shall be established to ensure safe adminis-
    12  tration of medications;
    13    (5) a direct support staff shall not assess the medication needs of an
    14  individual;
    15    (6)  a  direct  support  staff  shall not be authorized to perform any
    16  tasks or activities pursuant to this subparagraph that are  outside  the
    17  scope of practice of a licensed practical nurse;
    18    (7)  a  direct support staff shall not represent themselves, or accept
    19  employment,  as  a  person  licensed  to  practice  nursing  under   the
    20  provisions of this article;
    21    (8)  a  direct support staff providing medication administration, tube
    22  feeding, or diabetic care shall be separately certified,  and  shall  be
    23  recertified on an annual basis;
    24    (9)  the  registered  professional  nurse shall ensure that there is a
    25  consumer specific medication sheet for each medication that is  adminis-
    26  tered;
    27    (10) in the event that a registered professional nurse determines that
    28  the  service  recipient,  family,  or household member is not capable of
    29  providing such instruction, a direct support  staff  shall  not  provide
    30  tasks  pursuant  to  this subparagraph. In the event of any disagreement
    31  between a registered professional nurse and a service recipient, family,
    32  or household member  regarding  such  capability,  then  the  registered
    33  professional nurse's determination shall prevail;
    34    (11)  a  direct  support  staff  shall  not provide any tasks unless a
    35  registered professional nurse has  determined  that  such  task  may  be
    36  performed;
    37    (12)  adequate nursing supervision is provided, including training and
    38  periodic inspection of performance of the tasks, provided however,  that
    39  the  supervising  registered  professional nurse shall visit individuals
    40  receiving services no less than once every two weeks and shall be avail-
    41  able by telephone to the direct support staff twenty-four hours  a  day,
    42  seven  days  a  week,  provided  further, that a registered professional
    43  nurse shall be available to visit the service recipient as necessary  to
    44  protect the health and safety of such recipient;
    45    (13)  no  direct support staff shall perform tasks under this subpara-
    46  graph until the office for people with  developmental  disabilities  and
    47  the department have entered into a memorandum of understanding to effec-
    48  tuate  the  provisions  of this subparagraph. The office for people with
    49  developmental disabilities shall complete a  criminal  background  check
    50  pursuant  to section 16.33 of the mental hygiene law and an agency back-
    51  ground check pursuant to section 16.34 of the mental hygiene law on  the
    52  direct  support  staff  prior  to  the  commencement of any provision of
    53  service provided under this subparagraph if such direct support staff is
    54  a new hire. Licensed  registered  professional  nurses  and  individuals
    55  providing  direct support tasks pursuant to this subparagraph shall have

        A. 7704--A                          3
     1  protection pursuant to sections seven hundred forty  and  seven  hundred
     2  forty-one of the labor law, where applicable; or
     3    §  2.  This  act shall take effect eighteen months after it shall have
     4  become a law, and shall expire and be  deemed  repealed  July  1,  2029.
     5  Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule
     6  or regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its effec-
     7  tive  date  are  authorized  to  be made and completed on or before such
     8  effective date.
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