Assemblymember Wallace: Those Who Withheld Information from the Public Must be Held Accountable

“I was not on the call referenced in the media this week where a top aide to the Governor is alleged to have stated that she intentionally withheld data on the deaths of nursing home residents. I first learned of those allegations from media reports yesterday. Like so many New Yorkers, I’m outraged. Public officials have an obligation to be honest and truthful with the public at all times, even if the information is unfavorable. Only then can we make decisions and learn from our mistakes. Those who withheld the information from the public must be held accountable.

“It is important to remember that when the administration gave the nursing home order, there were 800 people dying every day in New York State from the novel coronavirus, we didn’t know if there would be enough hospital beds, we were scrambling for respirators, we hadn’t yet realized that the virus was airborne, and we had a president who was telling everyone that the virus would magically go away. We now know how wrong we were on many things we didn’t know at the time. But by hiding information as it unfolded, we risked making things worse and put people's lives in jeopardy. That's unacceptable.

“It's time to revoke the emergency powers of the Governor. And we must put laws and procedures in place to make sure this never happens again. That’s why I’m co-sponsoring legislation to do just that.”