Slater Calls for Necessary Safeguarding of Artificial Intelligence in Workforce

Assembly members held a public hearing in Albany last Thursday to examine the implications of artificial intelligence on the labor force. Legislators expressed their intention to collaborate with both business proprietors and labor union representatives as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prominent in society, with the expectation that it will revolutionize the workplace.

Assemblyman Matt Slater (R,C-Yorktown), a member of the Labor Committee, raised several concerns during the hearing and primarily focused on the necessity of having safeguards in place as well as thoroughly evaluating AI’s impact on our society. With AI’s integration into the workforce, Slater suggested the implementation of proper protocols to ensure the protection of personal data, the elimination of workplace exploitation and a commitment to providing adequate training.

“I think it’s clear that new technology is making our society more effective and efficient. However, we also have to make sure we have the safeguards in place to make sure our workforce is properly trained in this new technology. It was a great discussion, and I look forward to continuing to be engaged on this topic,” said Slater.

Earlier this summer, Assemblyman Slater joined a bipartisan coalition urging the state Education Department to continue the prohibition of facial recognition technology in schools. Citing a report from the state’s Office of Information Technology, Slater and the coalition of lawmakers pointed to the security of data as a key concern. Ultimately, Commissioner Rosa decided to continue the prohibition, which Slater applauded.

“The safety of our kids is paramount,” Slater said. “We must work with industry leaders to protect the sensitive data generated from this type of technology. I applaud the continued prohibition of facial recognition in our schools until those safeguards are put into place.”

*Click here for a video of Assemblyman Matt Slater at the Hearing*