Ra: Long Island is Not Your ATM, Albany

A Statement by Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square), Ranking Minority Member on the Assembly Ways & Means Committee.

Today, the Long Island Association held its annual State of the Region Breakfast in Woodbury, New York, where leaders from the region spoke to more than 1,100 business executives and elected officials to share their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing Long Island. Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman spoke on Albany leaders’ involvement in Long Island affairs, stating the aggravation the region experiences over the unequal distribution of money around the state, despite the large sum that Long Island contributes.

“For too long, Albany has treated Long Islanders like an ATM. Despite contributing significant funds to the state, our region receives minimal returns. The best way Albany can support Long Island is to give us our fair share of funding for schools and roads and ensure access to reliable public transportation. New mandates, taxes and measures that further hamper the jobs of our law enforcement will only intensify the exodus of New Yorkers. With Hochul’s 2024-25 state budget proposal upcoming, it’s time for Albany to acknowledge its bias or risk further alienating the very community that fuels its coffers.”