Press Releases

Steck Seeks Increased Safety Regulations for Shipment of Hydraulically Fractured Crude Oil

On September 22, 2014, Assemblymember Phil Steck (NY-D) sent a letter to the attention of North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple, Chair of the North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC), for consideration at their September 23 hearing concerning increased...

Assemblymember Steck Secures Grant for Schenectady Jewish Community Center

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced he successfully secured a Community Capital Assistance Grant of $125,000 for the Robert and Dorothy Ludwig Jewish Community Center of Schenectady (SJCC). The grant will be used to make the SJCC facility...

Assemblymember Steck: Keep Officials Who Violate the Public Trust Off the Taxpayer Dime

In response to Thursday’s Capital New York article of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara reclaiming the pension of a former New York City councilman who was convicted on corruption charges, Assemblymember Steck reiterated the need to pass legislation to strip...

Assemblymember Steck Dedicated to Continuing James Brady’s Legacy of Preventing Gun Violence

“The passing of James Brady is a tragic loss, but his legacy lives on in the invaluable work he has done as an advocate for gun control. After suffering a terrible physical and emotional wound in the 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan,...

Steck Votes to Increase Access to Services to Fight Heroin and Opioid Addiction

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced the Assembly passed a package of bills in its final days of session addressing the growing heroin and opioid epidemic that is affecting many young people in our community. Specific parts of the package would...

Assembly Passes Steck’s Bill to Help Local Business Invest Millions in Local Facility and to Create New Jobs

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that the Assembly passed legislation he authored to ensure businesses receive tax credits under the Empire Zones program (A.9220-C). The legislation would fix a bureaucratic requirement that is preventing...

Steck’s Bill to Protect the Wages of Workers Passes Assembly

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that legislation he sponsored (A.6932) to hold an out-of-state corporation liable for unpaid wages if the company goes bankrupt has passed the Assembly unanimously. Current law only applies to corporations...

Assemblymember Steck’s Legislation to Allow City Night Courts Passes Assembly

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that legislation he authored to allow City courts to run operations at night for non-violent cases, such as traffic offenses, has passed the Assembly (A.9375-A). This bill, which has bipartisan support,...

Local Assemblymembers Want Risks Posed by Crude Oil Trains Addressed

The recent dangers exposed by incidents involving crude oil transportation have been at the top of the agendas of Capital Region Assemblymembers Patricia Fahy (D-Albany), John T. McDonald III (D-Cohoes), and Phil Steck (D-Colonie). Today, they announced...

Assemblymember Steck Helps Pass Bills to Protect Environment

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced the Assembly passed a number of environmentally conscious bills for this year’s Earth Day Package. Legislation included initiatives to address global warming, recycling and sustainability among others. “Our...

Bill to Help Military Personnel Passes Committee

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) has co-sponsored a bill (A.6974-A) that would fix a loophole that does not properly credit service members who go on to work for the state. The legislation passed the Governmental Employees committee today, and Steck...

Steck’s Bill That Broadens Public Service Opportunities for Police Officers Passes Assembly

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that legislation he sponsored, which would allow police officers to serve as officers of a volunteer fire department, has passed the Assembly (A.7618-B). The bill has now passed both the Senate and Assembly...

Santabarbara and Steck Announce School Aid; Fight’s Not Over

Assemblymembers Angelo Santabarbara (D-Rotterdam) and Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced school funding that will help Schenectady City School District fill a projected $10.3 million budget deficit. The announcement came at Schenectady High School where...

Steck Helps Pass Budget, Provides Big Bump for Local Schools

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced that he helped pass a 2014-15 state budget that increases aid to schools by $1.1 billion (A.8556-D). The final numbers include an additional $251 million increase in Foundation Aid, which had not been increased...

Assemblymember Phil Steck Votes to Support the National Popular Vote

“Today I helped pass legislation to allow New York to join a multi-state compact to award its electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote. The United States should directly elect its executive, and it is the only...

Steck Introduces the Municipal Health Insurance Savings Act

Local governments have been dealing with skyrocketing health insurance costs for years. Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) has introduced a bill (A.8362-A) to allow municipalities such as towns, villages, and school districts to join county self-insured...

Assemblymember Steck Helps Pass Assembly Budget Proposal, But Says We Can Still Do More for Our Children

With education in the forefront, Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced the passage of the Assembly’s budget proposal that would provide for an increase in aid to schools by nearly $1.1 billion for SFY 2014-15, the largest increase in six years...

Steck Welcomes the Addition of JetBlue to Albany International Airport in 2015

The Capital Region received good news when JetBlue Airways announced it will be coming to Albany International Airport by the end of next year. Assemblymember Steck (D-Colonie) joined in their excitement as the airline will make more flights and destinations...

Assemblymember Steck: Our Schools Have Been Shortchanged for Too Long

Assemblymember Phil Steck (D-Colonie) announced he is co-sponsoring legislation that would eliminate the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA) as well as enact the School Funding Equity Act (A.8720, A.4609). Both pieces of legislation aim to reform the way...

Assemblymember Steck Votes to Delay Common Core Implementation

“My Assembly colleagues and I passed legislation today that calls for a two year delay in aspects of the Common Core and testing. Parents, students, teachers, and countless interested parties have spoken out on this issue, and the Assembly has listened....