From Assemblyman
Will Barclay
124th District

The Facts About Synthetic Marijuana

Ask most adults about K2, Spice and Happy Shaman and most will not know what they are. Ask teenagers and young adults about these products and you may get a very different answer – a legal way to get high. Synthetic marijuana is a growing problem across our country. The Office of National Drug Control Policy has released a study showing that one in nine high school seniors is using synthetic marijuana. Television programs such as Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz have covered the dangers of these substances.

How are teens and young adults getting synthetic marijuana? They are being sold legally as “incense” or “potpourri” at convenience stores and smoke shops. They are labeled “not intended for human consumption” to mask their intended purpose and to circumvent U.S. Federal Drug Administration regulations. Simply put, synthetic marijuana is not illegal.

The health dangers associated with these drugs, however, are serious. The medical community has linked synthetic marijuana to extreme paranoia, intense hallucinations, seizures, agitation, extremely high blood pressure, suicidal thoughts and other serious medical conditions.

Since introducing my legislation to ban synthetic marijuana, I have heard from several parents who have shared that their children now suffer from adverse medical conditions as a result of smoking the drug.

Legislative Action
My legislation was prompted by families who have contacted my office expressing their concern with synthetic drugs in their community. My agenda is twofold – to educate parents and the community on the harmful drug and to ban it in New York State. Since I introduced Assembly bill 8913 in January, I have heard from residents across the state and country about their support of this ban. Just like the grassroots efforts that prompted this legislation, I need your support in helping to push this issue further in Albany. Together, we can make a difference.

Widespread Support

In addition to hearing from residents across our state in support of banning synthetic marijuana, I have received resolutions from the Oswego County Legislature as well as the City of Oswego Common Council calling for a ban.

Recently, the New York State Association of Counties adopted banning the sale of synthetic marijuana as part of their 2012 Legislative Agenda. My legislation, Assembly bill 8913, was included in this legislative package.

Join me in the battle against synthetic marijuana by signing my petition.

Do you suspect someone you know is using synthetic marijuana?

The NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services can help direct you to services or provide informational materials.

Call New York State HOPEline 1-877-8-HOPENY or 1-877-846-7369

The hotline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and all calls are toll-free, anonymous and confidential.

You can also find information on their website at

200 North Second Street
Fulton, NY 13069