NYS Seal For Immediate Release:
February 10, 2004

The Campaign for Summer Jobs

Teens from The Campaign For Summer Jobs visit Albany to thank Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver for successfully leading last year's state budget fight to restore Governor George Pataki's cut of $25 million to the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP).

They also expressed their gratitude for his support in this year's budget deliberations to reverse the $10 million cut to SYEP that is included in Pataki's 2004-2005 budget. In addition, they thanked Silver for pressuring a defiant governor late last spring to end his hold on the $25 million in program funds, which were approved in a bipartisan vote of the Legislature. Eventually, the money was released but barely with enough time to meet summer employment schedules.

The Campaign For Summer Jobs is a coalition of nearly 100 community-based organizations in New York City.