Press Statement: Assemblymember Carroll Lauds the Launch of the State Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Task Force Established by His Legislation

Albany, NY –– Assemblymember Robert Carroll (D/WF-Brooklyn) issued the following statement on today’s initial meeting of the State’s Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Task Force, which was established by his bill A.133/S.2599:

“I am both proud and hopeful to see the State Dyslexia Task Force get to work. Today’s meeting of the Task Force marks a very important step in addressing the educational needs of the hundreds of thousands of the State’s children that have dyslexia or a related learning disorder. The Task Force, which includes educators, experts, parents, and people with dyslexia from across the State will examine and make recommendations regarding evidence-based practices for screening children for dyslexia and providing interventions and supports. I look forward to the two public hearings that the Task Force will hold as required by my legislation.The final report of the Task Force due at the end of this year will set us on course to ensuring that children with dyslexia can become fluent readers and successful students.”